Worker Wednesday: April 5th and Camden Lang


Wednesday, April 5th

WORKER SPOTLIGHT (via CE4AEF’s #FacesofCleanEnergy program)

Camden Lang is a drilling and completions operations engineer for Fervo Energy, and she lives in Nevada. She’s been in the industry for over a year. 

What is your proudest accomplishment in clean energy? “My proudest accomplishment in clean energy has been taking my education, experience, and passion for energy and wells and applying these to assist in the development of the first two horizontal geothermal wells ever drilled and completed.”

What did you do before entering clean energy? “Prior to working in clean energy, I worked in the oil and gas industry as an Operations Engineer in North Dakota and in water systems as a Water and Wastewater Engineer in Texas.”

Read more about Camden at

SHAREABLE JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS (Here’s sample social to amplify news of this growing workforce.)

  • Georgia: EV auto parts manufacturer to create 700-plus jobs

    • [🖱CLICK TO TWEET] America invests. Georgia wins. Workers earn. Over 700 good-paying #cleanenergy jobs are arriving outside of Savannah, GA. That’s the #PowerofCleanEnergy. That’s #CleanEnergyAtWork.

    • [🖱CLICK TO TWEET] Don’t forget: Georgians will see more savings on monthly bills and more jobs, like these 700 for #EV manufacturing plant. Thanks to @potus’ Affordable #CleanEnergy Plan. That's #CleanEnergyAtWork


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