Meet the people and companies who are powering our economy to new heights with renewables.
Monthly Spotlight:
Workers Leading the Clean Energy Transition
“[Clean Energy] is diversifying our energy mix and bringing forward additional job opportunities in a growing sector.”
“I grew up in an area of western Canada known for oil, gas, coal and timber production. My Dad spent 25 years in the thermal coal mining business. I honor the past where I grew up and where I spent 30 year of my career, but also enjoy embracing learning and growing in the clean energy transition.”
“I wish people knew that I am not limited to just the conversion of power from DC-AC. In my current position I work with all aspects of a renewable project from the batteries to the transformer at the interconnection with the Grid. Due to my expansive network on not just the supplier but the integrator/developer segments I can bring different parties involved together.”
“Each step of the way we can create jobs, put American innovation to work, and give the next generation a cleaner, safer, more secure electric grid.”
“Clean energy is positively impacting my Nevada community, as well as the country, by providing a reliable, 24/7 energy source…and creating thousands of new jobs.”