Tonya Hicks, who has been in the industry for over 20 years, is the President/CEO of Power Solutions Intl., Founder of Women Do Everything, and Founder of sheEV, Inc.

Why is clean energy important to you? I believe in stewardship. I believe, as a Christian, that we are the stewards of the earth, and we need to take care of it. And we need to undo as much as possible what man has destroyed. I think we're all charged as humans to come up with better ways to move forward to reduce our carbon footprint and to reduce our waste and to manufacture more products that are biodegradable, as much as possible. So that's what, to me, it’s about: stewardship.

What's a memorable clean energy project you’ve worked on? I started sheEV, my manufacturing division. It's where I produce products to help people electrify their home, but also transition to clean energy. And now I'm working on my appliance line. If you are shopping for Energy Star rated products, they are a lot more expensive. And I have a co-manufacturer that I have sourced to help me manufacture my products. I want the average senior citizen that's on a fixed income or a middle class person or a single parent to be able to afford an Energy Star rated product where the energy burden is higher. So just trying to help people be able to have these nice appliances and have access to them at affordable prices.

What did you do prior to working in clean energy? Why did you transition to the clean energy industry? I started my business in 2000 just as a regular contractor, electrical contractor, doing service work, service and insurance work. I didn't start my company in renewable energy until I discovered this nonprofit here, Southface. I would like to say they opened my eyes to renewable energy and weatherization and sustainability.

What do you wish more people knew about the clean energy industry? I wish more people knew how easy it is to transition your life! Just small adjustments, how big of an impact those make. I think sometimes people can get overwhelmed. I do think some climate change experts, some people also in clean energy, sometimes you can make it more complicated than it needs to be. So that's why I wish more people knew of how easy it is to make small adjustments and make a huge impact.

Why should congress invest in clean energy jobs? Well, nobody else is doing it. They should invest in clean energy jobs because they're already paying for apprenticeships. Why not steer them toward the clean energy where most of the investment is going right now with the federal government? We need more women and more minorities in clean energy. And so providing money for workforce development programs helps support training people in underserved communities.

Is there anything else you’d like to share? Don't be afraid to reach out and ask people how they got started. Do as much research as possible as you can online. But most importantly, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of what you don't know. There are plenty of women that have done this. They have done these jobs before you. They've just been true hidden figures. You just have no idea they exist because more than likely, they didn't get the credit they deserved.


Eddie Obeliunas, Solar, Indiana


Meghan Milo, Solar, Virginia