Joel Serface, Interdisciplinary, Florida

“By adopting renewables broadly, we will not only create more jobs and lower cost energy, but this low cost energy will create an economic advantage as the underpinning of countless new zero carbon industries in the future — that we can lead in.”

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Women in Clean Energy, EVs, Pacific Coast Maureen Lincke Women in Clean Energy, EVs, Pacific Coast Maureen Lincke

Jessica Hutcheson, Electric Vehicles, California

“I wish people could feel confident about building and being innovative in this space. Nobody's ever done this before so it's okay for you to dream. That is so powerful — to be able to take a population of people that has never been allowed to dream and say, ‘Hey, here's an opportunity for you to dream and be included!’“

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Elizabeth Boone, Electric Vehicles, Michigan

“The shift to electrificaiton is finally gaining some momentum. Detroit and Michigan businesses have the opportunity to reclaim leadership positions through innovations in mobility. This is a pivotal moment for technological advancement, workforce development, jobs creation across the mobility and clean energy ecosystem (the grid, green steel, hydrogen, last-mile solutions, etc). “

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