Jessica Hutcheson, Electric Vehicles, California

Jessica Hutcheson, who has been in the industry for 1 year, is the Vice President of Learning and Development at ChargerHelp!.

Why is clean energy important to you? I wholeheartedly believe that clean energy is crucial for the well-being of our planet. It’s important for everyone to take steps in their own way to ensure that we’re not harming the environment any further. Personally, I’m not just motivated; I’m driven to make a positive change because I want to ensure that my son and future generations have a habitable planet on which to live. Even though I’m not perfect and could do better at recycling, I’m committed to making small changes that will have a positive impact. I believe that every little effort counts towards protecting our planet, and that’s why I think it’s important for all of us to take action.

What's a memorable clean energy project you’ve worked on? I had the incredible opportunity to work on a meaningful project in Detroit that made a lasting impact on the community. This collaborative effort between Michigan Central, Detroit At Work, and Newlab aims to empower Detroit residents to become leaders in the cutting-edge field of electric car maintenance and operations. By providing training to locals as O&M reliability technicians, this project is not only creating new jobs but also equipping individuals with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving industry. Being a part of this project was an unforgettable experience for me, and it was inspiring to see the community come together to support it. I firmly believe that investing in local talent and fostering innovation is key to building a better future for all. This project is a shining example of what can be achieved through dedication, collaboration, and a shared vision.

What did you do prior to working in clean energy? Why did you transition to the clean energy industry? Prior to transitioning to the clean energy industry, I worked in the nonprofit industry for various organizations and I had the pleasure of serving young people as a school administrator for almost two decades. I felt that it was time to make the transition because clean energy is equally important work, just like serving children in the capacity that I did. I also believe in the vision, mission and values of ChargerHelp! and I’m enthusiastic about contributing my gifts and talents to help ChargerHelp! make its mark in the industry. I acknowledge that ChargerHelp! is playing its part in terms of infrastructure rollout and saving the planet. I understand that it might sound cliche, but I firmly believe that if everyone does a small segment towards protecting our planet, we will make a significant impact. I came to a realization that my previous job was no longer fulfilling enough for me. I now have the chance to serve a greater purpose that aligns with my commitment to serving others, particularly young people. Moreover, I am also able to contribute to the cause of preserving the planet for future generations.

What do you wish more people knew about the clean energy industry? As the VP of Learning and Development, my role is to serve our partners and our communities by learning about the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) sector and maintenance and operations. I’ve always served underserved, underrepresented communities, and through this work, I’m still able to serve them in this capacity. What I wish more people knew is that there is a way for everyone to be a part of the clean energy transition. There’s a role for everybody, and how do we help everyone feel included, supported, invested, and not just segments of the population? I wish more people knew about how they can be involved in the energy transition. I wish that more people knew about career pathways and access to clean energy jobs so that they could get a certification, and it doesn’t focus on or rely on your college knowledge. Ultimately, I wish for people with varying backgrounds and experiences to be included, heard, and valued as contributors to the clean energy industry. I wish people could feel confident about building and innovating in this space. Nobody’s ever done this before, so it’s okay for you to dream. That is so powerful—to be able to support populations of people who have often never been allowed to dream and say, ‘Hey, here’s an opportunity for you to dream and be included!’ That can be super empowering.

Why should congress invest in clean energy jobs? It is imperative for Congress to invest in clean energy jobs because they are crucial for the future of our planet and for the well-being of our communities. It’s important for Congress to consider that this investment will support the inclusion of all people, regardless of their socio-economic status. The energy transition is not just for the wealthy, but for everyone, and investing in clean energy jobs will help ensure that all communities have access to renewable energy and can benefit from it. Moreover, government investment will support the inclusion of visionary ideas that have never been considered before due to a lack of information or funding. It’s time for Congress to take a strong look at this issue and invest in clean energy jobs to help create a better future for all.

Is there anything else you’d like to share? The recent research study revealing the positive impact of EVs and hybrids on greenhouse gas emissions is a testament to the power of collective action. Every individual step taken towards sustainability counts and can contribute to a brighter future for our planet. We can all remember the eerie emptiness of LA streets in 2020, which allowed for a clearer view of the Hollywood mountains. This is a powerful reminder of the impact of our daily actions on the environment and how we must work together toward a more sustainable future. Let’s continue to make small changes in our daily lives and invest in clean energy jobs to ensure a habitable planet for future generations. It’s time for Congress to take a strong look at this issue and invest in clean energy jobs to create a better future for all, regardless of socio-economic status. The transformation to a sustainable future is not just for the wealthy, but for everyone, and visionary ideas that have never been considered before can be brought to life with government investment. Let’s come together and make a difference.


Gwendolyn Summers, State Government, New York


Sam Tabet, Electric Vehicles, Texas