Marcy Bauer, Electric Vehicles, North Carolina

“Rather than protecting our reliance on outdated and/or heavily polluting solutions and deepening our vulnerabilities, I consider it to be highly patriotic and humanitarian to be working to onboard and continuously improve technologies that allow us to power the nation and the world with cleaner, more sustainable fuel sources.”

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Doreen Wong, Ocean & Climate Innovation, Hawaii

“Clean energy can offer a lifeline for those who were born and/or raised in environments where their choices are limited. By providing individuals at a younger age with potential job opportunities in clean energy, we can enable them to learn more about the potential of clean energy earlier on in their lives and inform them on how clean energy can provide access to clean air, water, and food systems in their everyday lives.”

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Gwendolyn Summers, State Government, New York

“The clean energy industry is home to thousands of high-quality, family sustaining jobs, promising a pathway to a rewarding career. In New York State alone, total employment in the clean energy sector is expected to increase by more than 60%, adding at least 211,000 jobs by 2030.”

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Women in Clean Energy, EVs, Pacific Coast Maureen Lincke Women in Clean Energy, EVs, Pacific Coast Maureen Lincke

Jessica Hutcheson, Electric Vehicles, California

“I wish people could feel confident about building and being innovative in this space. Nobody's ever done this before so it's okay for you to dream. That is so powerful — to be able to take a population of people that has never been allowed to dream and say, ‘Hey, here's an opportunity for you to dream and be included!’“

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Olivia Espy Huntington, Green Tech, Texas

“I used to think I needed to be an engineer or scientist to contribute to the energy transition. I have learned, however, that it takes one type of genius to develop a disruptive technology and another type of genius altogether to drive the adoption of a disruptive technology. The more hands and voices the better!”

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