Jessica Crawford, Electric Vehicles, Michigan

Jessica Crawford, who has been in the industry for 4 years, is the Program Manager at EVgo.

Why is clean energy important to you? Clean energy provides a sustainable path forward for people to co-exist with the environment without jeopardizing future resources or quality of life.

What's a memorable clean energy project you’ve worked on? Every day I get to work on projects that advance our nation's electric vehicle charging infrastructure. It is rewarding to see progress unfold in real time and to chip away at transportation-related emissions.

What did you do prior to working in clean energy? Why did you transition to the clean energy industry? I previously worked in natural resources conservation. I transitioned to the clean energy industry because it was an exciting, rapidly growing field and presented an opportunity to make a greater impact on climate change.

What do you wish more people knew about the clean energy industry? The clean energy industry isn't going anywhere. You can make a comfortable living and have job security!

Why should congress invest in clean energy jobs? Investment in clean energy jobs is an investment in our future. A larger clean energy workforce enhances our ability to obtain economy-wide carbon neutrality faster, which will mitigate adverse impacts and preserve resources for generations to come.

Is there anything else you’d like to share? Michigan’s greatest feature is its natural resources. Having clean energy investments in the places people love to visit, such as electric vehicle charging stations in the Upper Peninsula, allows folks to enjoy our state’s beauty while also mitigating their carbon footprint.


Jacob Cox, Clean Tech, New York


Jackie Conover, Community Solar, New Jersey