America’s veterans know: Clean energy is the only real energy security.

Meet the Veteran Faces of Clean Energy

Why do so many veterans work in clean energy? Because they know better than almost anyone else: Clean energy is how we protect energy security, bring home jobs and bring down costs. Too often, while in uniform, they’ve seen firsthand the danger of depending on fossil fuels. It’s a battlefield risk. So it’s little wonder that when veterans come up, they join up and speak out for clean energy. In fact, veterans make up nearly 10% of the clean energy workforce, and they’re employed in clean energy at a greater percentage than most industries — including oil and gas. They’re making their large voice heard too, urging policymakers in places like the New York Times to protect national security by promoting clean energy.

Hear from National Security Experts

Veterans know: “It’s time we break free from oil and gas".”

In testimonials, American veterans call swiftly transitioning to clean energy a national security imperative.

“Our dependence on oil…makes us less safe”:

Ray Mabus, former Navy secretary, urges America’s leaders: Ramp up America’s production of clean energy.