Frank Reichert, Solar and Storage, Illinois

Frank Reichert is the Director of Operations and Maintenance at Glidepath and lives in Chicago, Illinois, and he’s worked in the industry for 10 years.

Why is clean energy important to you? Clean energy saved my hard transition from the military. Gave me a mission to focus on while working with like minded people for a great cause.

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy? I pride myself in finding solutions to better optimize and safely run the assets I manage.

What did you do before entering clean energy? Odd jobs mostly, installing fire alarm and security alarm systems. Before that I was a Gas Systems Mechanic in the U.S. Navy.

How did you first get introduced to clean energy? My brother-in-law (Army Vet) was in the industry and talked me into applying for my 1st Clean Energy job.

How does clean energy impact your community? It enhances energy security and greatly lessens the risk of environmental damage that happens from the fossil fuel industry.

What is something you wish more people knew about your job? I love the work I do. Being in the front of new technologies in clean energy like battery storage will be felt for generations. It’s deeply rewarding it is to get projects running efficiently.

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? Clean energy is here to stay. Putting roadblocks in its way only holds back all the success stories that can be made today, why wait to join the team.


Joe Reed, Solar, Hawaii


Tim Hade, Microgrids, Colorado