Aimee Bailey, Electrification, California

Aimee Bailey, who has been in the industry for 14 years, is the Founder & CEO of Rock Rabbit.

Why is clean energy important to you? To keep our earth habitable.

What's a memorable clean energy project you’ve worked on? At Rock Rabbit, we help plumbers and HVAC companies to find and claim rebates for heat pumps to help them drive sales. I love it that we are able to help even the smallest mom and pop installers participate in and benefit from the clean energy transition.

What did you do prior to working in clean energy? Why did you transition to the clean energy industry? Prior to working in clean energy, I was a physicist. I decided to pivot into clean energy to do my part to help address the greatest existential threat of our time.

What do you wish more people knew about the clean energy industry? It's the most exciting and multi-disciplinary industry out there!

Why should congress invest in clean energy jobs? Supports the middle class!


Chance Lymon, Solar, Utah


Carrie Zalewski, Wind, Illinois