Women in Clean Energy, EVs, Pacific Coast Maureen Lincke Women in Clean Energy, EVs, Pacific Coast Maureen Lincke

Jessica Hutcheson, Electric Vehicles, California

“I wish people could feel confident about building and being innovative in this space. Nobody's ever done this before so it's okay for you to dream. That is so powerful — to be able to take a population of people that has never been allowed to dream and say, ‘Hey, here's an opportunity for you to dream and be included!’“

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Cece Luciano, Thermal Batteries, California

“The frustrating reality about climate change is that it often disproportionately affects those that did the least to cause it. We’re already seeing this reality with changes in weather events, sea level, global temperatures, air quality, and more: those from disadvantaged communities and countries tend to see the brunt of these effects. Embracing clean energy allows me to be part of the solution to this problem.”

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Solar, Women in Clean Energy Anika Casanova Solar, Women in Clean Energy Anika Casanova

Alyssa Grant, Solar, California

“I wish people knew that my decision to work in the clean energy industry was more than a job or a paycheck. It's about the ripple effect that is created for years to come by the work we are doing and the innovative steps we are taking to ensure reliable energy sources that won't damage our planet. It's about inspiring our future generations to take action, ask questions, fuel innovation and know that the renewable energy industry is a thriving career path.”

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