Joel Serface, Interdisciplinary, Florida

Joel Serface, who has been in the industry for over 20 years, is the Head of Energy Innovation at VHB.

Why is clean energy important to you? It's the most clear cut and fastest way possible to simultaneously build a future economy while averting climate catastrophe.

What's a memorable clean energy project you’ve worked on? I have delivered both the lowest cost wind energy project and solar project in the US at different times. But the ones that are the most interesting are ones I am working on today — helping entire transit systems looking at becoming renewable corridors, entire net positive community designs, and cities and states looking for advice on the energy transition.

What did you do prior to working in clean energy? Why did you transition to the clean energy industry? I stated my professional career as a Management Consultant in the Energy Sector, moved into the VC sector helping create the cleantech movement in Silicon Valley. Built the ecosystems in Silicon Valley, Austin, and Colorado. Served as the Entrepreneur in Residence at NREL. Built 2 renewable energy development companies delivering more than 2 GW of renewables — utility scale and commercial. Now heading up Energy Innovation applying all of this to Cities, Communities, Transit Systems, Ports, Airports, Universities, and other Net Positive outcomes in large infrastructure leveraging IRA Direct Pay and public finance.

What do you wish more people knew about the clean energy industry? Most of the energy industry focuses on the simple or single measures at scale. The greatest benefits will come when we embed many of these technologies into our communities and create vast amounts of self and community ownership. But this part of the transition is complex and requires a lot of integrated thinking and advanced technology solutions to clear the path quickly. What is needed right now are better tools and trusted advisors in helping turn the corner in our clients and communities dealing with massive infrastructure transitions.

Why should congress invest in clean energy jobs? Congress needs to invest into the future growth of a new economy — yesterday. We are already losing ground to other countries and need to clear the path for many more industries to thrive, grow, and create huge new employment opportunities in our companies and communities.

Is there anything else you’d like to share? By adopting renewables broadly, we will not only create more jobs and lower cost energy, but this low cost energy will create an economic advantage as the underpinning of countless new zero carbon industries in the future — that we can lead in. Also, I have addressed Congress on delegation visits numerous times in the past and am the founder / founding member of Environmental Entrepreneurs, Clean Economy Network, CleanTX, Colorado Cleantech Industry Association, and others.


Jaron Dandridge, Solar, Virginia


Doreen Wong, Ocean & Climate Innovation, Hawaii