Worker Wednesday: June 28 and Samuel Pittman


Wednesday, June 21st

WORKER SPOTLIGHT (via CE4AEF’s #FacesofCleanEnergy program)

Samuel Pittman has been in the industry for nearly 3 years and is chief executive officer of Sunteque, LLC. He lives in Virginia.

What did you do before entering clean energy? “Senior Accounts Manager for IT Recruiting.”

Why should congress invest in clean energy jobs and not fossil fuel jobs? “It brings a cleaner environment, economic opportunity within the transition and strengthens national Security with energy independence.”

Read more about Samuel at

SHAREABLE JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS (Here’s sample social to amplify news of this growing workforce.)

  • Colorado: VSK Energy Inc. to bring solar panel manufacturing facility in Brighton

    • [🖱Click To Tweet] Wow! Denver is kinda becoming a #cleanenergy hub. In nearby Brighton, they just announced a big #solar module factory co-led by @VikramSolar. It'll employ nearly 1000 workers at least $70K. #CleanEnergyAtWork

    • [🖱Click To Tweet] 👀 Look out, Denver! Manufacturing jobs incoming! That’s right: Nearly 1K #cleanenergy jobs are coming to a $1.5 billion #solar module plant. #CleanEnergyAtWork

    • [🖱Click To Tweet] Big shoutout to @POTUS’ Affordable #CleanEnergy Plan, which clearly helped to spur this $1.5B #solar factory in Colorado. Plant will be co-led by @VikramSolar, employ up to 1000 workers around $70K each! #CleanEnergyAtWork


Worker Wednesday: July 5 and Joy Seitz


Worker Wednesday: June 21 and Eric Planey