Worker Wednesday: August 16 and Virginia’s Brittney Boyd


Wednesday, August 16

WORKER SPOTLIGHT (from CE4AEF’s Faces of Clean Energy program)

Brittney Boyd works as an enterprise partnerships manager at Solstice. She joined the industry 3 months ago,and she lives in Virginia.

When were you first introduced to clean energy? “I was just looking for more fulfilling work. I suffered greatly from survivor's remorse once I found success in my career.”

How does clean energy impact your community? “Providing energy for the 80% of Americans that are locked out of the solar market due to credit challenges, income restrictions, and people living in multi dwelling units is a great way to deliver environmental justice to low income communities.”

Read more about Brittney at

NEW FACTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS (Here are social posts to amplify new factories resulting from the president’s Affordable Clean Energy Plan.)

New Mexico: Singapore solar company to open $1B factory in Albuquerque

  • [🖱Click to Tweet]  One Thousand Eight Hundred Jobs. Go New Mexico! Go #InflationReductionAct!

  • [🖱 Click to Tweet] When has the U.S. EVER been able to ATTRACT manufacturing AWAY from Asia?! It’s happening, thanks to @potus’ #InflationReductionAct. We’re making #cleanenergy, including #solar panels, in America, with factories like @MaxeonSolar’s new $4B facility in NM that'll create 1800 jobs!


Clean Energy Spotlight: Brittney Boyd


Clean Energy Spotlight: Miranda Cashman