Chris Zargarbashi, Solar, California

Chris Zargarbashi, who has been in the industry for 8 years, is the Director of Business Applications at SOLV Energy and lives in California.

Why is clean energy important to you? In recent years, this answer to this question has changed a lot for me. I have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter named Nora. To bring her into this world in 2021 was a commitment to hope. I hope that Nora does not have to grow up experiencing increased heat waves, unclean air and pollution. I hope that Nora never has to witness a world plagued by terrible famine, worsened flooding or droughts, or a world on fire. I hope that Nora is able to enjoy beautiful and colorful coral reefs, clear blue oceans, and the same animal species that I was lucky enough to cohabitate this Earth with. I work in clean energy to contribute, in any small capacity, to the slowing of global warming and for all of the hopes that I have for Nora.

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy?  Playing a small part in the success and adoption of SOLV Energy's homegrown application Sunscreen. The tool has fundamentally changed how SOLV Energy builds solar and inspired me and countless others to continue innovating, providing more custom technology solutions to the unique challenges of this industry.

What did you do before entering clean energy? I worked as a systems administrator in a large international law firm called DLA Piper in their Baltimore office and then made the move to the west coast to work at Swinerton Builders in their technology department.

When were you first introduced to clean energy? I was working in the Swinerton LA office, when George Hershman brought me into the renewable division to help with the implementation of a proprietary utility scale solar production application called Sunscreen.

What should more people know about your role? While many folks associate me with one of their favorite applications or tools, they use during their daily routine working at SOLV Energy, there are so many different and diverse lesser-known applications and solutions that allow the business to operate. And they are so tightly integrated in our enterprise ecosystem. A small change in one system can have a large impact in another.

How does clean energy impact your community? To my knowledge, almost 60% of California's electricity comes from carbon-free sources. The goal is to make that number 90% by 2035, and I want to be a part of making that a reality.

What does clean energy mean to you and your family? It means everything. My wife Emma left her job in 2021 to become a full time Mom to our little girl. I am able to support my beautiful family through my position with SOLV Energy. And the work is challenging. It's not without long hours and travel. But all of that is so much easier for us knowing that, in some small way, I am helping to build a brighter future.

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? Congress should be investing in clean energy jobs to not only save Americans thousands of dollars a year in energy costs, but to further secure the livelihoods of the millions of talented workers serving the renewable energy industry. And I'll take it a step further and say that Congress has a responsibility to be investing in the futures of two billion other little boys and girls like my daughter Nora.


Isabelle Musmanno, Solar, Georgia


Alison Adams, Solar, Oregon