Mattie Montalvo, Community Solar, New Jersey

Mattie Montalvo lives in New Jersey and uses community solar through Solar Landscape to power her home.

Why did you decide to utilize clean energy? Solar energy sustains all life. It empowers and grounds us as a solid advocate on Earth’s behalf.

What was the transition to clean energy like for you? Did anything surprise you, or were there challenges you had to overcome? At the time I applied, it was around or right before COVID so I was without work for about two years. I do have to say that the transition in having to wait for the credits to be applied by PSEG was a bit daunting and took a bit. However, in the end it was definitely worth the wait.

What advice do you have for people considering taking the leap to clean energy? One of the most precious attributes that is often overlooked about our relationship to and with the earth is that WE are - not only -  part of the earth but we are the earth. We are the air we breathe, the water we drink and we are the fire provided to us from the sun. The Sun provides us with the renewable source of energy generated we need to both, survive and also thrive. All it takes is small baby steps. And whatever those small practical baby step means to you (whether it is joining your local community composting program, thrifting, or sharing all sorts of renewable sources of energy with your inner circle of friends and family), it’ll be like one drop of water that a causes the ripple effect we need to let Earth know how much we appreciate it.

How has using clean energy affected your finances? Community Solar has helped me save 100’s of dollars that has come a long way in helping this single mom (who was quite sick and unemployed for quite a while) put food on the table.Thank you so much.

This story was collected with the help of our partners at Solar Landscape. For more information about community solar, visit their website.


Jackie Conover, Community Solar, New Jersey


Grace Stanke, Nuclear Energy, Delaware