Clean Energy Spotlight: Fernando Zurita


This week’s #CleanEnergySpotlight is a policy expert in renewable energy and market development. Meet Fernando Zurita, policy analyst manager at Sycnarpha Capital

Syncarpha Capital is an investment company that develops, constructs, owns, and operates solar generation systems. At Syncarpha, Zurita is proud to advocate for energy policy solutions, he tells the CE4A Faces of Clean Energy program.

Prior to this, he oversaw regulatory affairs for Infiniti Energy, a New Jersey-based company that delivers cutting-edge solar design, engineering, development and installation. At Infiniti Energy, Zurita engaged with government and regional stakeholders to promote the long-term growth of solar power.

Zurita believes investing in clean energy is fundamental.“It's important we find more sustainable [and affordable] pathways to procure our energy for our benefit and for the benefit of future generations,” he tells the Faces of Clean Energy Program

He knows because he’s seen environmental injustice up close. “I’ve seen the worst of how environmental injustice has impacted mine and other communities,” he explained.

Congratulations, Fernando, and thank you for supporting an equitable clean energy transition for all communities.


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