Worker Wednesday: July 26 and Texas’s Leslie Maldonado


Wednesday, July 26

WORKER SPOTLIGHT (via CE4AEF’s #FacesofCleanEnergy program)

In honor of Fervo Energy’s recent big news, we’re spotlighting an employee of theirs this week. Leslie Maldonado works as a Completions Engineer at Fervo Energy and lives in Houston, Texas. 

What did you do before entering clean energy? “Drilling Engineer in the oil and gas industry.”

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? “Increased investment in clean energy provides the green sector with the opportunity to further develop to its potential as well, especially in a time where there is a large drive to increase the use of clean energy. Investing in clean energy jobs would provide the opportunity for growth through the increased resource of personnel in the industry.”

Read more about Leslie at

SHAREABLE JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS (Here’s sample social to amplify news of this growing workforce.)

  • Colorado: Meyer Burger Brings Solar Cell Production to Colorado

    • [🖱Click To Tweet]: Is Colorado the #solar state 🤔?  @meyerburger is joining the likes of @VikramSolar and @AmpriusInc in #Colorado by announcing their new #solar manufacturing facility in Colorado Springs. 

    • [🖱Click To Tweet]: Colorado is going #solar! The Rocky Mountain state is set to add another #solar facility by the end of 2024, creating upwards of 350 jobs 👷. #CleanEnergyAtWork 🧑‍🔧

    • [🖱Click To Tweet]: It's clear Colorado's #solar 🪟 investments are a direct result of @POTUS' Affordable #CleanEnergy Plan and the tax credits included in the #IRA.  #CleanEnergyAtWork 💪


Clean Energy Spotlight: Christian Warren


Worker Wednesday: July 19 and Pranav Myana