Alyssa Grant, Solar, California

Alyssa Grant, who has been in the industry for 7 years, is the Community Relations Manager of SOLV Energy and lives in California.

Why is clean energy important to you? Clean Energy is essential for us to address climate change, reduce environmental pollution, enhance energy security and equity while also promoting opportunities for good jobs and economic growth. A focus on clean energy encourages us to have a positive difference on both people and the planet.

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy?  My proudest accomplishment within my role has to be the work we do on the Navajo Nation. For nearly 5 years, our community relations team has installed Goal Zero solar powered systems on 85 homes across the reservation aiding to take steps in energy equity and independence. In addition to these systems, we provided necessary educational resources through PowerUp learning kits that include age appropriate resources on solar education and school supplies. When we were unable to install systems during the COVID pandemic, we deployed over 11,000 PowerUp education backpacks and invested in educational resources to help offset the inequities they faced. Over the years, we have strengthened this program by partnering with nonprofit, Heart of America, and college students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to expand our reach and training and inspire new solar energy pioneers to join our industry.

What did you do before entering clean energy? Prior to working in the clean energy industry, I did marketing and PR for a dermatologic cosmetic brand.

When were you first introduced to clean energy? I was first introduced to the clean energy industry at a pretty young age; initially by my dad who worked for a renewables company and spearheaded a large clean energy project in southern California. About 7 years ago, I was looking for a career change and took the opportunity to join the clean energy industry knowing that there was immense possibility for growth and innovation.

What should more people know about your role? I wish people knew that my decision to work in the clean energy industry was more than a job or a paycheck. It's about the ripple effect that is created for years to come by the work we are doing and the innovative steps we are taking to ensure reliable energy sources that won't damage our planet. It's about inspiring our future generations to take action, ask questions, fuel innovation and know that the renewable energy industry is a thriving career path.

What does clean energy mean to you and your family? My job not only provides security and support for me and my family, it also signifies longevity and a cleaner, brighter future for my daughter. My specific role in community relations also fulfills my passion to educate and to nurture relationships, create opportunities, and support the areas we work and live in. I hope to inspire my daughter and show her the power she has to promote change for the better through the work I'm doing.

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? Congress should invest and support clean energy jobs because relying heavily on fossil fuel can leave our country vulnerable to supply disruptions, price fluctuations, and devastating results to our environment. Clean energy sources, especially those derived from renewable resources like solar, wind, and hydro, offer a more stable source of energy supply, reducing dependence on fossil fuels that are finite and not sustainable in the long run. The very nature of the renewable energy industry is long lasting which will create a significant number of jobs across various industries, including manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and research and development. Investing in clean energy technologies can stimulate economic growth and innovation.


Stacey McKinney, Solar, Oregon


Noelle Paige, Solar, Virginia