JD Smith, Solar, Wisconsin

JD Smith, who has been in the industry for 3 years, is the Head of Business Development at Arch Solar and lives in Wisconsin.

Why is clean energy important to you? By taking part in this industry while it is growing I get to have a far greater impact than if I had joined an already developed industry. There is still so much potential and change happening that being on the front lines really lets you make decisions and have ideas that make a difference right away!

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy? When I was still new to the industry I took a phone call from a graphic designer who wanted to get into solar energy because they were passionate about it. She had 20 years as an artist and I told her that she would have to start at the bottom again. She took the job and now 3 years later is one of our most accomplished team members building a great career. The fact that she was able to take that leap of faith and succeed motivates me all the time.

What did you do before entering clean energy? I was studying for a doctorate in History.

When were you first introduced to clean energy? A family member started working in Solar and raved about how fast it was growing. I was curious and checked it out.

What should more people know about your role? There is a fit for just about anyone. Aside from the folks turning a wrench there is a whole universe of people from all walks of life helping to make these projects happen.

How does clean energy impact your community? There are tons of ways, but for me it has to be jobs and empowerment. This is a generational opportunity where anyone can get started in the renewable sector and find their niche very quickly. I've seen it happen and had it happen to me!

What does clean energy mean to you and your family? Everything! My wife and I had accepted that if I was going to stay in my previous field we would likely have to leave our home state of Wisconsin. Changing careers to Solar allowed me to stay here, buy a house, and now raise my kids in my home state!

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? Aside from the obvious environmental and security benefits that American Clean Energy offers, the biggest benefit from a job creation viewpoint is that the industry is an entirely blank slate. The fossil fuel industry is established, with clear pipelines for workers and well calcified areas of investment (coal towns in Kentucky for example). All of that is wide open with clean energy jobs. There is no right or wrong way to join the industry, just get started! You don't need to move to Arizona to work in the solar industry, you can build it right here in Wisconsin! For younger Americans, this opportunity is the American Dream that we have been waiting for.


Mary Jackson, Solar, Florida


Pranav Myana, Microgrids, Texas