Mary Jackson, Solar, Florida

Mary Jackson, who has been in the industry for 2 years, is the Content Marketing Manager at Solstice Power Technologies and lives in Florida.

Why is clean energy important to you? I'm really passionate about clean energy because I want to do my part in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable living. It's important to me to be a role model for my son, showing him that you can have a successful and fulfilling career while also making a positive difference in people's lives. Supporting clean energy is a small step that every American should be able to make.

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy? I think I'm most proud of the work that I do that actually showcases how clean energy is changing lives. One project that stands out was the work we did with our partner, El Valor. They're an amazing organization that supports families in the Chicagoland area in so many ways – housing, food, classes, you name it. We were able to help them save thousands by enrolling their buildings in community solar, and we recently made a video to showcase their success and highlight what they do. What made this project so special for me was the chance to interview and work closely with the executives at El Valor. I got to see firsthand how the savings from clean energy made a real difference in their programs and classrooms. They were able to expand their offerings and invest in new technology, which was pretty awesome to witness. Seeing the impact of clean energy in action and how it can truly improve lives and make a difference for organizations like El Valor is incredibly rewarding. And the best part is knowing that these positive changes extend to the families they support. It's moments like these that remind me of the incredible power clean energy holds and how it can transform communities for the better.

What did you do before entering clean energy? Before entering the clean energy sector, I gained valuable experience in the legal and financial industries, specifically in marketing and operations roles. However, it was during my time at a financial forecasting and education firm that I truly discovered my passion for making a positive difference in people's lives. My responsibility was to expand our socio-economic studies, and I quickly realized that low-income communities often serve as early indicators for market trends, economic changes, and global developments. Recognizing the crucial role these communities play, I became determined to ensure that any sustainable future must include their active participation to achieve significant impact on a larger scale. It was through this pursuit that I was fortunate enough to find Solstice, a company that perfectly aligns with my mission and values.

When were you first introduced to clean energy? My journey into clean energy began during my formative years, as I was fortunate enough to grow up in a household that prioritized sustainability. However, it was a pivotal moment when I decided to convert my travel trailer to run on solar power that I truly became aware of the challenges and barriers associated with adopting clean energy. As I delved into the process, I quickly realized the significant upfront costs involved in purchasing renewable energy systems. Moreover, I experienced firsthand the daunting nature of the conversion process, which can be overwhelming for many individuals. This awakening served as a catalyst for me to deeply understand the need for accessible and affordable clean energy solutions. It reinforced my commitment to breaking down these barriers and making clean energy more attainable for everyone.

What should more people know about your role? When I mention to my friends that I work in marketing, I often encounter the assumption that my job is essentially sales-oriented, or that I can't make a significant difference by merely promoting a product. However, as a content marketer, a substantial part of my work revolves around education. Through various studies and collaborations we've undertaken, we've discovered that education plays a major role in the adoption of renewable energy. Surprisingly, more than other factors like pricing, location, or savings, it's education that has the greatest impact. A lot of people have misconceptions about how community solar operates or have doubts about their eligibility or the legitimacy of programs. So a major aspect of my role entails dispelling these misunderstandings and simplifying complex information into easily understandable concepts, and showing that a lot of these programs are backed by their state. While I do assist our sales teams, the primary focus of my marketing is to provide education on community solar and highlight the numerous benefits that entire communities can derive—be it financial, economic, or even health-related—simply by subscribing to a portion of a solar farm. By breaking down barriers and showcasing the advantages, we empower individuals to make informed decisions and embrace clean energy solutions.

How does clean energy impact your community? You know what's great about where I live? It's one of the sunniest states in the country! Florida gets a whole lot of sunshine, which makes it perfect for solar energy. Surprisingly though, community solar hasn't really taken off here in a big way - at least not yet. But if you look around, you'll notice solar panels popping up on rooftops all over the place. Clean energy is such a game-changer for our communities. It's not just about saying no to destructive energy sources; it's about actively taking a stand. By embracing clean energy, we're diversifying our energy mix, which makes us more resilient and less dependent on a single source. The clean energy industry creates jobs in so many different sectors. From the installation and maintenance of solar panels to the operations of utilities and grids, there's a whole range of opportunities -- even in marketing, sales, and customer success, that play a crucial role in spreading the word and making clean energy accessible to more people. So, when it comes to clean energy, it's not just about the environmental impact. It's about building a more sustainable future, saving money, and creating employment opportunities right here in our communities. And I'm excited to see how Florida can lead the way in embracing clean energy on a larger scale.

What does clean energy mean to you and your family? My job allows me to show to my friends and family, through tangible actions, that it is possible to find a fulfilling career that not only provides financial support for our household but also enhances the well-being of others. Work plays a pivotal role in my life, and therefore, my position in the clean energy sector, particularly at Solstice, is crucial for my mental health. I really think that long-term happiness at work can only be achieved by engaging in work that I genuinely care about, rather than solely pursuing monetary gains or title success. Through my current role, I have the privilege of enabling more families to access renewable energy. They can actively participate in the clean energy transition, benefit from much-needed savings, and receive the support necessary to embrace clean energy solutions that will significantly impact their lives and the lives of future generations. It brings me great satisfaction to contribute to the betterment of these families' lives and to witness the positive changes that clean energy can bring to their communities. My job is not just a means of earning a living; it is a fulfilling endeavor that aligns with my values and allows me to make a meaningful difference.

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? Congress should prioritize increased investment in clean energy for several reasons. First and foremost, clean energy offers a practical solution to combat climate change, one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and something that we cannot afford to wait to fix. By shifting towards renewable sources such as solar and wind power, we can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the harmful effects of fossil fuel dependency on the environment. Investing in clean energy creates huge economic opportunities. It stimulates job growth across various sectors, from manufacturing and installation to research and development. The renewable energy industry has proven to be a significant driver of employment, providing stable and well-paying jobs for people at all skill levels. By expanding clean energy initiatives, Congress can fuel economic growth, enhance domestic industries, and promote innovation and technological advancements right here at home. Clean energy promotes energy independence. By reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels, we can strengthen our energy resilience and decrease vulnerability to price fluctuations. Clean energy diversifies our energy sources and increases energy stability, contributing to a more secure and stable energy landscape. Clean energy investments also have positive impacts on public health- especially in low-income and BIPOC communities that have taken the brunt of dirty energy for too long. Transitioning away from polluting energy sources improves air and water quality, reducing the prevalence of pollution-related diseases. One could argue that this could lead to lower healthcare costs and a healthier population overall in the future. Lastly, investing in clean energy fosters community development and equity. Programs like community solar can bring affordable and accessible renewable energy to underserved communities. By expanding clean energy initiatives, Congress can support job creation, reduce energy costs, and improve the quality of life for marginalized communities across America. Congress has the power to shape policy and allocate resources to drive this transition, and I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see what they will do!


Christian Warren, Solar, Georgia


JD Smith, Solar, Wisconsin