Dej Knuckey, Batteries, California

headshot, glasses, brown hair, lipstick, wide lapel

Dej Knuckey is a chief marketing officer and co-founder of Enzinc, which seeks to enable the global growth of clean power through better battery technology. She lives in San Anselmo, California

Why is clean energy important to you? I grew up in Australia, and I’ve seen the impacts of climate change. I’ve seen it wreak havoc on the natural places with devastating droughts, floods, fires and temperature increases. Now I'm seeing the same in California where I work and live. Everyone who calls this planet home must help preserve the planet. It is critical.

What’s your proudest accomplishment in clean energy? I've loved working at companies that have started with an idea, grown into a flourishing business, employed hundreds of people. and given the whole industry new tools or products to accelerate the energy transition. I've worn lots of hats in the industry, but all have helped move the industry into the mainstream.

What did you do before entering clean energy? Among other things, I was a reporter covering markets, mining and energy. I was also a strategy consultant with clients in both the fossil fuel industry and the electric utility sector.

How did you first get introduced to clean energy? I was involved in renovating homes using green building techniques, and I went back for a masters in sustainable design. I got hooked on clean energy systems for the built environment: homes to large commercial buildings. That was my stepping stone to a job in residential solar.

How does clean energy impact your community? Every time a clean energy system gets installed, a community gets cleaner air. It's slow, but all clean energy growth supports climate justice and gets us closer to closing dirty refineries and generation plants that are usually close to underserved communities.

My job not only pays the bills, it also gives our family a sense of doing right in the world. And as a parent, I want my step-kids to see that there are lots of ways to make the world a better place and there are great opportunities to grow a career in the clean energy sector.

What is something you wish more people knew about your job? You don't need to be a technology geek to help revolutionize the energy system. Almost every job can be a clean energy job. Clean energy companies need accountants, lawyers, marketers, sales people, IT support staff, you name it, as much as they need engineers.

Why should Congress invest in clean energy jobs, not fossil fuel jobs? The fossil fuel industry has been supported through incentives for decades, and they don't pay their own clean up costs. I don't want my taxes supporting industries that are going to leave me holding their trash. I want my taxes to support the growth of a future I'd like to live in.


Jessica Lovering, Nuclear, California


Alex Fox, Energy Efficiency, New York