Erin Twamley, Education, Alabama

“I started my career in clean energy industry working at Department of Energy in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. I was focused on Energy Literacy and helped to support education and outreach initiatives for teachers and students. “

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Cece Luciano, Thermal Batteries, California

“The frustrating reality about climate change is that it often disproportionately affects those that did the least to cause it. We’re already seeing this reality with changes in weather events, sea level, global temperatures, air quality, and more: those from disadvantaged communities and countries tend to see the brunt of these effects. Embracing clean energy allows me to be part of the solution to this problem.”

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Elizabeth Boone, Electric Vehicles, Michigan

“The shift to electrificaiton is finally gaining some momentum. Detroit and Michigan businesses have the opportunity to reclaim leadership positions through innovations in mobility. This is a pivotal moment for technological advancement, workforce development, jobs creation across the mobility and clean energy ecosystem (the grid, green steel, hydrogen, last-mile solutions, etc). “

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Alison Adams, Solar, Oregon

“I go to work every day knowing I'm part of the solution. When I hear doom and gloom headlines about climate change, I joke that I'm working on it! It gives me peace of mind knowing I'm helping to turn the tide and building a new energy infrastructure that will sustain my children and all of humanity.”

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Stacey McKinney, Solar, Oregon

“Clean energy can provide affordable and reliable energy, resiliency to increasing climate change, good paying jobs, and will help reverse impacts of decades of extractive industries. I want to be a part of the generation that recognizes that the impacts of our actions today will continue to affect future generations. It’s our responsibility to conserve natural resources, protect ecosystems, and to ensure the health and safety for those walking in our footsteps.”

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Solar, Women in Clean Energy Anika Casanova Solar, Women in Clean Energy Anika Casanova

Alyssa Grant, Solar, California

“I wish people knew that my decision to work in the clean energy industry was more than a job or a paycheck. It's about the ripple effect that is created for years to come by the work we are doing and the innovative steps we are taking to ensure reliable energy sources that won't damage our planet. It's about inspiring our future generations to take action, ask questions, fuel innovation and know that the renewable energy industry is a thriving career path.”

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